Mario Marathon 4 Continues to Bring in the Coins for Child's Play Charity
I, Disc07, promised these awesome guys, in the wee hours of the morning of June 27th, that I would write a follow-up article about their ever so successful Mario Marathon. For almost 80 hours straight, the "Marathoners" have been playing their Wii, fitted with all the classic Super Mario games, all the while, raising over $80,000 for Child's Play, a charity committed to providing books, toys, and video games to children's hospitals across the globe.
Sleep Deprived Nate and Brian play Super Mario Galaxy for Charity. Since then, Brian hasn't shut an eye.
The viewers of their uStream have had the liberty of participating in various contests, including raffles for custom artwork, coloring contests, haiku competitions, and even joint contests with partner sites such as ThinkGeek. Beyond just the ability of winning prizes and contests, participants also get to have plenty of lulz as they watch the sleep deprived "Marathoners" complete the many games that have riddled everyone's childhood memories.
From the NES Classics of Super Mario, Super Mario 2, Super Mario 3, and The Lost Levels, to Super Mario World of SNES, Mario 64, Mario Sunshine, and the most recent Wii titles: New Super Mario Bros, and Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, this marathon will strike a chord with anybody that grew up with a Nintendo console in the past 25 years.
If you are trying to find that perfect way to donate your extra change to a good cause, I think you may have just found it. Grab some Janitor Juice, let these gamers spin the Wheel of Awesome for you, and get ready to get your heart rocked by the musical styling of Jed and the talented voice overs of Vog.
You can donate and check out the stream right here, or head on over to and join in the chat and twitterfeed fun!
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