Friday, July 15, 2011


My old manager sent me an email last week with a Google+ invite. I'm regretting that I waited until today to sign up. It could just be that I don't have a bunch of third party crap on my Google+ compared to my Facebook, but I love how clean it is. It's very intuitive, (+1 to intelligence) and privacy settings pop up when you make a change to a part of your profile, to let you know exactly who will see it(+1 to visibility).

I'm looking forward to trying what they call a "hangout", which is basically a private video chat room. I think it'll be a nice way to organize projects/events with multiple people. If you can't get everyone online at the same time, there's still "circles", their answer to FB's groups.

I can't stress it enough that if for no other reason than to stick it to the man, and let Facebook know they don't rule the world, you should definitely try Google+. It's great fun so far, and I only have two friends.

So that's it for another of my short-winded posts, but I have people to invite.


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