So I've been using Hulu plus for a little over a day now. It came out yesterday morning. I have used Hulu on my computer for a while now to catch up on my favorite shows. Now I can do that on my Xbox. And I can now say this is a great app for Xbox Live. I have used the Netflix app for several months, and I've also used Zune Marketplace. I also really like the Halo Waypoint channel. All of these allow you to stream videos on your Xbox.
My opinon thus far of Hulu Plus is this. It is great. I love the amount of content that it available. I also enjoy that this app launched with Kinect support. Also unlike the Netflix app which needs to buffer while it loads, the videos start almost instantly. The only downside of this versues the other steaming options is the fact that it, like Hulu on your computer, also has ads. This isn't too much of a downer though because the ads are few and far between.
What do you guys think of this app? Have you used it? Let me know. I would like to know.
That is all. Carry on!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Tangled Cords- Why you gotta be hating?
This week I decided to discuss all the people on the internet and in general where ever, who have been hating on Nintendo for abandoning the hardcore gamers. Let's take a couple of steps back to think about Nintendo's legacy. In 1985, Nintendo released the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). This came after many companies released consoles. Games were not highly regarded at the time. Also the gaming market had recently crashed in 1983. The Famicom (Japan's version of the NES) had been flying off the shelves in the land of the rising sun, and though it started slowly in the US, it begun to sell really well. It became a cultural phenomenon and today it is seen as a great icon. Without the NES, we would not be playing Xbox 360s and PS3s today.
Nintendo continued with success with the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). Both of these systems brought Nintendo great success, which carried it to build the Nintendo 64, then the GameCube. In 2005, Nintendo turned the gaming world upside down with the release of the Wii. The Wii quickly became a best seller, selling so well, that Nintendo couldn't keep them on the shelves.
Nintendo has always been a big proponent of the idea of backwards compatibility; meaning that a new game console should be be able to play the games made for a previous game console. This is evidenced especially in the GameBoy line, where each iteration could play all of the games from the previous iterations. The Wii carried over this idea with Nintendo's Virtual Console.
The Virtual Console was Nintendo's idea to make many games from all of its previous consoles. Games such as Super Mario 64, Mario Kart, The Legend of Zelda, and many games from Nintendo's competitors such as the Sega Genesis. This means that the Wii has the single most extensive games from literally dozens of different gaming consoles. And you are trying to tell me that Nintendo has abandoned hardcore gamers? How about the fact that this console also has most of the hardcore games we all love? Do you guys realize that all of the Call of Duty games also came out on the Wii? And unlike the other console versions, you can totally use the Wii Zapper to play. Don't believe me? Check this out : Call of Duty on Wii. And how about this. Only the Wii has games like Mario, Legend of Zelda, Star Fox, Super Smash Bros, and Metroid. These games were and are the center of hardcore games. What more do you guys want? Not to mention, the Stream (Nintendo's new console launching next year) will be the gaming console we all wanted the Wii to be. Now don't get me wrong, my Wii does just sit on my shelf, but I love it. I love that Nintendo supports gamers, and I look forward to the Stream next year. Now, quit complaining. The Wii is really great. It doesn't always have the best games, but it has all of the greats we loved growing up.
That is all, Carry On!
Nintendo continued with success with the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). Both of these systems brought Nintendo great success, which carried it to build the Nintendo 64, then the GameCube. In 2005, Nintendo turned the gaming world upside down with the release of the Wii. The Wii quickly became a best seller, selling so well, that Nintendo couldn't keep them on the shelves.
Nintendo has always been a big proponent of the idea of backwards compatibility; meaning that a new game console should be be able to play the games made for a previous game console. This is evidenced especially in the GameBoy line, where each iteration could play all of the games from the previous iterations. The Wii carried over this idea with Nintendo's Virtual Console.
The Virtual Console was Nintendo's idea to make many games from all of its previous consoles. Games such as Super Mario 64, Mario Kart, The Legend of Zelda, and many games from Nintendo's competitors such as the Sega Genesis. This means that the Wii has the single most extensive games from literally dozens of different gaming consoles. And you are trying to tell me that Nintendo has abandoned hardcore gamers? How about the fact that this console also has most of the hardcore games we all love? Do you guys realize that all of the Call of Duty games also came out on the Wii? And unlike the other console versions, you can totally use the Wii Zapper to play. Don't believe me? Check this out : Call of Duty on Wii. And how about this. Only the Wii has games like Mario, Legend of Zelda, Star Fox, Super Smash Bros, and Metroid. These games were and are the center of hardcore games. What more do you guys want? Not to mention, the Stream (Nintendo's new console launching next year) will be the gaming console we all wanted the Wii to be. Now don't get me wrong, my Wii does just sit on my shelf, but I love it. I love that Nintendo supports gamers, and I look forward to the Stream next year. Now, quit complaining. The Wii is really great. It doesn't always have the best games, but it has all of the greats we loved growing up.
That is all, Carry On!
Tangled Cords
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Dramatic Xbox Live News!
Microsoft has been talking for a real long time about bringing Hulu Plus (the premium TV show streaming service) to Xbox Live. It has been on the PlayStation 3 ever since Hulu rolled out its premium service last year. Several rumors of it finally coming to the Xbox have come across the Wired Gamers desk this week, and this morning Xbox Live's Major Nelson announced that the service will be launching tomorrow! And the great part about it is for the next week, Hulu Plus will be free on Xbox Live! This is great news.
Here is Major Nelson's blog post talking about this news: Hulu Plus
And based on what you can see in the screenshot above, it also has Kinect support (as indicated by the microphone logo in the lower right hand corner next to the Xbox logo).
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Sony is all a buzz among other things
So there has been some big news coming from Sony. One good, and one bad.
Good first,
Sony has announced yet another addition to the PlayStation line. Now they are adding not one, but TWO tablets. For those of you who have lost track, these two tablets mark fourth (not counting home consoles) addition to the PlayStation line. There are two versions of the tablet. The first is called the S1 is a 9.4 in screen. The second is called S2, it is a pair of 5.5 in screens on a clamshell hinge. Pricing has not yet been announced. And they will have 3G & 4G capability, Wi-Fi, and run on the Android 3.0 platform. Pictured below.
Good first,
Sony has announced yet another addition to the PlayStation line. Now they are adding not one, but TWO tablets. For those of you who have lost track, these two tablets mark fourth (not counting home consoles) addition to the PlayStation line. There are two versions of the tablet. The first is called the S1 is a 9.4 in screen. The second is called S2, it is a pair of 5.5 in screens on a clamshell hinge. Pricing has not yet been announced. And they will have 3G & 4G capability, Wi-Fi, and run on the Android 3.0 platform. Pictured below.
S1 (right) & S2 (left)
And the bad news. Sony announced today that due to the hack that shut down the PSN last week (which remains down btw) users' personal information has been released into the wild internet. This is really bad for Sony, and it doesn't bode well in the long term for the PlayStation platform.
And last but not least, I am going to show you guys the new Call of Duty video promoting the new Escalation map pack launching next week. Enjoy:
There you go. That is the big news for today. And thank you IGN for the PlayStation news
Here is the articles that I got information from:
Here is the articles that I got information from:
Carry on!
What the F@#k is This?

The title says it all: Go the F@#k to Sleep. Already, the book is on Amazon's Top 300 list and it doesn't even release until October 11th! Apparently this is the storybook for 'modern parent'. Here is a sample verse for everyone to ponder over:
The cats nestle close to their kittens now.
The lambs have laid down with the sheep.
You're cozy and warm in your bed, my dear
Please go the fuck to sleep.

What ever happened to those stories that we grew up with like Goodnight Moon? Frog and Toad? Caps for Sale?The lambs have laid down with the sheep.
You're cozy and warm in your bed, my dear
Please go the fuck to sleep.

Maybe you just got shot with a load of nostalgia... or possibly a strange look at where the great children's literature is heading for the future of our kids? Whatever it brought out of you, tell us in the comment section below!
Pop Culture
Monday, April 25, 2011
Wired Gamer's Week in Preview
As opposed the week in review posted last Saturday, let's get the week rolling with this Monday edition of Wired Gamer's Week in Preview!
This week seems to stand a little bland when it comes to releases. At least over here state-side; if you are lucky enough to live in Asia, you have a beautiful game being released by the name of El Shaddai. But more about that after the jump. If you would like to watch videos or purchase any of the aforementioned games, hit up the link-dump at the bottom of the post.
Today, we have a Nintendo DSiWare release by the name of Airport Mania: First Flight. From the looks of it, it was a flash-based game, turned iPhone/Android game, turned Wii game, and now has made its way on to the Nintendo DS via the little known DSiWare program. It can be purchased for a total of 200 DSi points... I do not deal with DSi points... and frankly, have never heard of them before... so yeah... moving on.
A better choice, if you have nothing else to do today, is play the Gears of War 3 Beta... it was just released this morning for those who have pre-ordered Gears of War 3, so if you haven't already, go download that beast and destroy some locusts!
Tuesday: The day for gaming releases. What do we have this week? Not a whole heck of a lot. The Wii is releasing Remington Super Slam Hunting: Alaska (apparently Nintendo still doesn't consider Alaska to be a part of North America, since only last November another port of this game was released with the exact same name, only with an addition of North America to the end).
Darkspore is releasing on the PC, which can only be explained with the top rated Youtube comment of the trailer: "looks like they took spore, diablo, starcraft, DotA and a pinch of Gauntlet then mixed them all up in one big mundane blender." As PC games go, it doesn't look half bad. It'll definitely be one that I check out in the future.
Two more notable games are releasing Tuesday on the Playstation Network: Outland and Zen Pinball: Sorcerer's Lair. Outland is a 2D-side-scroller and is also releasing on Wednesday for the Xbox LIVE Arcade. Zen Pinball: Sorcerer's Lair, is yet another pinball game released by Zen Studios... expect no changes. Also releasing Wednesday are two more additions to the Xbox LIVE Arcade, Nin2-Jump (a platformer about what seems to be a shadow puppet) and Trouble Witches Neo! (a shooter where you guide witches in blowing stuff to smithereens). I want to compare it to Zero Wing for the Sega Master System, but I just can't bring myself to do that.
And now to the game that a majority of us will probably end up not playing, but is notable nonetheless: El Shaddai. In this game you play as Enoch. Yes, Enoch from the Old Testament. That alone should pique your interests a bit. Another thing you will notice about the trailer, is the beautiful cell-shaded graphics reminiscent of Viewtiful Joe for the Gamecube. This is because the game is headed by the Masato Kimura and Sawaki Takeyasu, pioneers of the cell shaded art with their games: Devil May Cry, Viewtiful Joe, and Okami. Even if the gameplay turns out to be crap, at least you will have a beautiful sight to see while you are playing. Check out the E3 2010 trailer below.
Until next week, this has been "Wired Gamer's Week in Preview."
Link Dump
Airport Mania: First Flight
Remington Super Slam Hunting: Alaska Purchase at Amazon
Darkspore Purchase at Amazon
Zen Pinball: Sorcerer's Lair
Trouble Witches Neo!
El Shaddai Purchase at Play-Asia
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Wired Gamers Week in Review!
Hey guys. So I am going to start a new weekly feature where I do kind of a rundown on all of this week's big news.
Game releases:
So this week saw the release o f some big games key among them:
Portal 2 Portal 2 on Amazon
Mortal Komat Mortal Kombat on Amazon
SOCOM 4 SOCOM 4 on Amazon
Prince of Persia Trilogy HD Prince of Persia Trilogy HD
Conduit 2 Conduit 2 on Amazon
There was also a couple of games that were released on Xbox Live Arcade on the PSN:
Section 8: Prejudice Section 8: Prejudice on Live Arcade
The Fancy Pants Adventures The Fancy Pants Adventures on PSN
The Fancy Pants Adventures on Live Arcade
So that covers all of the major game releases this week. I would recommend you check them all out.
Here is a list of the DVD releases this week:
Rabbit Hole
The King's Speech
Game releases:
So this week saw the release o f some big games key among them:
Portal 2 Portal 2 on Amazon
Mortal Komat Mortal Kombat on Amazon
SOCOM 4 SOCOM 4 on Amazon
Prince of Persia Trilogy HD Prince of Persia Trilogy HD
Conduit 2 Conduit 2 on Amazon
There was also a couple of games that were released on Xbox Live Arcade on the PSN:
Section 8: Prejudice Section 8: Prejudice on Live Arcade
The Fancy Pants Adventures The Fancy Pants Adventures on PSN
The Fancy Pants Adventures on Live Arcade
So that covers all of the major game releases this week. I would recommend you check them all out.
Here is a list of the DVD releases this week:
Rabbit Hole
The King's Speech
Gulliver's Travels
The Way Back
You can find these at your favorite retailers.
And last but not least here is a video that the guys over at It is a video showing their top 10 favorite Easter Eggs on the Xbox 360.
Alright that is our first weekly update! Please leave your thoughts about what we should talk about here.
Carry on!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Tangled Cords - Halo's Time to Shine is Over
From reading scientific journal articles, to fellow gamers' blogs, to those classic issues of Nintendo Power, I have gained a keen interest in stating my stern opinion about certain aspects of the world around us. In starting up this blog, I had hoped to include my critique on our gaming culture. So it is today that I introduce to you, Wired Gamers new opinionesque segment: "Tangled Cords"
In today's article, I will be talking about the long exasperated Halo franchise. With six games, ten novels, six graphic novel series', and a countless number of action figures on the market, it almost seems as if the short lived series has seen far too much limelight in the past ten years. Is Halo really an epic that deserves all of the attention that gamers have been giving it recently? Or is it a series that needs to stop while it is ahead?
I would have to agree that the original Halo Trilogy was spectacular. It had a story that kept the player drawn in and wanting more from it. I have no doubt that I will be waiting in line for 343's reboot of the original Combat Evolved, releasing later this year, but I feel that will be the end of Halo for me. I have read the novels, played the games, and even enjoy the machinima resulting from the Halo Universe, but I feel that Halo is overtaking the videogame industry and culture as a whole. I know that the fellow authors here at Wired Gamers will have grave differences in opinion with me on this topic and I invite them to rebuttal any of the claims that I make in the following critique.
On November 14th, 2001, Halo: Combat Evolved was released for the original Xbox, boosting its sales and revolutionizing the way that gamers play first person shooters on the console. It transitioned us from the "one-joystick" that we all knew and loved on Nintendo 64's Goldeneye 007 (released only four years earlier) to what is the norm in gaming today. Three years later, Halo 2 was released, breaking records, selling 2.4 million copies on the first day of release alone. Over 4 million copies of the next installment were pre-ordered leading to another opening day record, at the same time boosting sales of the relatively new Xbox 360 Elite console.
I can safely say that I am one of those gamers that camp outside of stores to buy, or even pre-order games. Halo 3 was the reason that I camped outside of the local Best Buy to purchase my Xbox 360 Elite console on it's April 29, 2007 release. This was also the case for attending the midnight release party at the local Game Crazy for Halo 3. At this point, I was a Halo nut. Everything Bungie, and even RoosterTeeth (The guys behind the popular web-series Red vs. Blue) had to be played, watched, or read. This was a new phenomena for me since I had solely been a Nintendo kid, growing up with Zelda, Mario, and Nintendo Power's Howard & Nester.

Had I been loosing my roots? Or just sprouting new ones on unfamiliar ground?
It has now been four years since the original Halo Trilogy made its way out of our consoles; 343 Industries are now serving as "stewards" to the Halo franchise (taking the place of Bungie) Red vs. Blue is nearing its ninth season; new games such as Halo Wars, ODST, Reach, and the upcoming Combat Evolved Reboot will, or already have, made us some points to add to our Xbox LIVE gamerscore, and the gaming community will be forever changed by the Halo Universe.
Halo has morphed me in to the gamer that I am today. Without it I would have still stayed true to my Nintendo Fanboy roots, keeping my tunnel-vision set on the Wii and DS. I thank Bungie and Microsoft for breaking me out of shell of gaming experience, just like it had done with copious amounts of gamers like myself.
With this being said, I still feel that Master Chief and the rest of the Halo Universe has had their 15-minutes of fame in the gaming spotlight and it is now time for someone new to take the pedestal from them. It has been ten years since the "revolution" with the transition from Goldeneye to Combat Evolved and only time will tell when the next "revolution" will come forth.
In today's article, I will be talking about the long exasperated Halo franchise. With six games, ten novels, six graphic novel series', and a countless number of action figures on the market, it almost seems as if the short lived series has seen far too much limelight in the past ten years. Is Halo really an epic that deserves all of the attention that gamers have been giving it recently? Or is it a series that needs to stop while it is ahead?

On November 14th, 2001, Halo: Combat Evolved was released for the original Xbox, boosting its sales and revolutionizing the way that gamers play first person shooters on the console. It transitioned us from the "one-joystick" that we all knew and loved on Nintendo 64's Goldeneye 007 (released only four years earlier) to what is the norm in gaming today. Three years later, Halo 2 was released, breaking records, selling 2.4 million copies on the first day of release alone. Over 4 million copies of the next installment were pre-ordered leading to another opening day record, at the same time boosting sales of the relatively new Xbox 360 Elite console.
I can safely say that I am one of those gamers that camp outside of stores to buy, or even pre-order games. Halo 3 was the reason that I camped outside of the local Best Buy to purchase my Xbox 360 Elite console on it's April 29, 2007 release. This was also the case for attending the midnight release party at the local Game Crazy for Halo 3. At this point, I was a Halo nut. Everything Bungie, and even RoosterTeeth (The guys behind the popular web-series Red vs. Blue) had to be played, watched, or read. This was a new phenomena for me since I had solely been a Nintendo kid, growing up with Zelda, Mario, and Nintendo Power's Howard & Nester.

Had I been loosing my roots? Or just sprouting new ones on unfamiliar ground?
It has now been four years since the original Halo Trilogy made its way out of our consoles; 343 Industries are now serving as "stewards" to the Halo franchise (taking the place of Bungie) Red vs. Blue is nearing its ninth season; new games such as Halo Wars, ODST, Reach, and the upcoming Combat Evolved Reboot will, or already have, made us some points to add to our Xbox LIVE gamerscore, and the gaming community will be forever changed by the Halo Universe.
Halo has morphed me in to the gamer that I am today. Without it I would have still stayed true to my Nintendo Fanboy roots, keeping my tunnel-vision set on the Wii and DS. I thank Bungie and Microsoft for breaking me out of shell of gaming experience, just like it had done with copious amounts of gamers like myself.
With this being said, I still feel that Master Chief and the rest of the Halo Universe has had their 15-minutes of fame in the gaming spotlight and it is now time for someone new to take the pedestal from them. It has been ten years since the "revolution" with the transition from Goldeneye to Combat Evolved and only time will tell when the next "revolution" will come forth.
Tangled Cords
New Sonic Game Announced!
A new Sonic game has been announced. It is called Sonic Generations. It looks very similar to last years Sonic 4 Episode 1, which itself was in the vain of New Super Mario Bros. Based on the trailer, it seems to combine 2D platforming, and 3D platforming levels. You can also play as "Old Sonic" and "New Sonic". The Old Sonic is chubbier like the Sonic from the original Genesis games. And the New Sonic is more like the 2000's Sonic. But I digress, here is the trailer:
Awesome isn't it? And as you can also see, it is being released in celebration of SEGA's 20th Anniversary. It is expected to release later this year on Xbox 360 and PS3. Hopefully we will also see more episodes of Sonic 4 as well.
Well there you go. Carry on!
3DS Augment Reality Shirt
I recently came across Level Up Studios, which is an internet store that sells some pretty great shirts for video game fans. One of the shirts especially caught my interest though. It's a shirt that's meant for Augment Reality (a.k.a. AR) gaming on the 3DS. How does it work? The shirt simply mimics the AR card's graphics to make the 3DS think it's an actual card. With this shirt your friends can see 3D games pop out of your chest! A little odd, but pretty dang cool if you ask me. Here's a video of the creators of the shirt testing and showing off how it works:
Augment Reality Shirt 2.0 3DS Test
The AR shirt can be purchased here. Of course you can check out all the other cool/funny/witty gamer shirts they have on their website as well (warning: some shirts are pretty suggestive).
- Frozen
Augment Reality Shirt 2.0 3DS Test
The AR shirt can be purchased here. Of course you can check out all the other cool/funny/witty gamer shirts they have on their website as well (warning: some shirts are pretty suggestive).
- Frozen
Augment Reality
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Wii 2 aka Project Cafe and other news
In the last week several details have begun to emerge about Nintendo's successor to the Wii codenamed Project Cafe. There are few details that we know about it so far.
1. It is in HD, and it has the potential for stereoscopic 3D
2. It will be similar in design to the original Xbox 360.
3. It will be backwards compatible with the Wii, and has the ability to use the Wii remotes.
4. It will have new controllers that could potentially look like this:
Thank you IGN for making that great visual moke-up of the controllers. The biggest and most obvious feature of course is the touch screen in the middle.
5. One of the most important things is that sources that are familiar with the project say that this new console will launch THIS YEAR in October or November. More details will likely be announced in June at E3. Stay tuned here for more information as it becomes available.
All of my research for this blog was from articles written and posted by the staff of IGN. Follow these links to their articles.
Article 1
Article 2
Another bit of news is that a new Duke Nukem Forever trailer came out today. Oh wait you want to see it? Well here you go:
Duke Nukem Forever - Come Get Some Trailer Video - Xbox 360 - IGN
Its good stuff you should check it out.
Any way that is all for now.
Carry on!
1. It is in HD, and it has the potential for stereoscopic 3D
2. It will be similar in design to the original Xbox 360.
3. It will be backwards compatible with the Wii, and has the ability to use the Wii remotes.
4. It will have new controllers that could potentially look like this:
Thank you IGN for making that great visual moke-up of the controllers. The biggest and most obvious feature of course is the touch screen in the middle.
5. One of the most important things is that sources that are familiar with the project say that this new console will launch THIS YEAR in October or November. More details will likely be announced in June at E3. Stay tuned here for more information as it becomes available.
All of my research for this blog was from articles written and posted by the staff of IGN. Follow these links to their articles.
Article 1
Article 2
Another bit of news is that a new Duke Nukem Forever trailer came out today. Oh wait you want to see it? Well here you go:
Duke Nukem Forever - Come Get Some Trailer Video - Xbox 360 - IGN
Its good stuff you should check it out.
Any way that is all for now.
Carry on!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
What is going on in Gaming? 4/20/11
Hey guys. Sorry about the late post, and lack of news lately. Things are kind of slow this week in the video game world. There are a couple of things I wanted to let you guys know about.
First, I apologize, I forgot about my PS3 brethren. SOCOM 4 also came out this week. This game interesting because SOCOM is a major franchise in the PS3 world. And this game in particular sports significant Move support. And Sony really wants you to know that, and utilize it. So much so the the Full Deployment edition of the game includes all of the needed Move hardware. Here it is on : SOCOM 4 on
The second thing I wanted to let you guys know about is that currently on Xbox Live there is a sale on SEGA games and Avatar items. This is a great sale and very similar to one of the ones that Microsoft did back in December. If you don't already have any of the Sonic games, you should get them now. Check it out SEGA Sale.
That is all for tonight guys. Blog at ya later!
First, I apologize, I forgot about my PS3 brethren. SOCOM 4 also came out this week. This game interesting because SOCOM is a major franchise in the PS3 world. And this game in particular sports significant Move support. And Sony really wants you to know that, and utilize it. So much so the the Full Deployment edition of the game includes all of the needed Move hardware. Here it is on : SOCOM 4 on
The second thing I wanted to let you guys know about is that currently on Xbox Live there is a sale on SEGA games and Avatar items. This is a great sale and very similar to one of the ones that Microsoft did back in December. If you don't already have any of the Sonic games, you should get them now. Check it out SEGA Sale.
That is all for tonight guys. Blog at ya later!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Gaming News today
Hello everyone!
2 things are going down in the gaming world. For those of you who have the Epic Edition of Bulletstorm you can now start playing the Gears of War 3 multiplayer beta. For more information on that refer to Disc07's post regarding all the unlocks associated with it. Here's the link : Disc07's Gears 3 Beta Post
Also today is the last day to pre-order Mortal Kombat and Portal 2 if you want those pre-order bonuses. They do vary by retailer. Some include:
Portal 2 Pre-Order Bonuses:
Now remember for Mortal Kombat there are 3 different ways to buy it.
1. Standard just the game
2. Kollector's Edition: Game with :
3. Tournament Edition: Game, with:
Mortal Kombat Pre-Order Bonuses:
Both of these look to like they are going to be great games! I suggest that if you can, you pre-order them at your favorite retailer.
Good Luck, and Good Hunting!
2 things are going down in the gaming world. For those of you who have the Epic Edition of Bulletstorm you can now start playing the Gears of War 3 multiplayer beta. For more information on that refer to Disc07's post regarding all the unlocks associated with it. Here's the link : Disc07's Gears 3 Beta Post
Also today is the last day to pre-order Mortal Kombat and Portal 2 if you want those pre-order bonuses. They do vary by retailer. Some include:
Portal 2 Pre-Order Bonuses:
- GameStop: Exclusive custimized skins for the co-op bots Atlas and P-body. GameStop Portal 2 Bonuses
- Pre-order from Amazon, and you will get $20 game credit good for any video game purchase, and now the PC version is $34.99 Portal 2
- Steam: If you pre-order from the boys at Valve themselves, you will get a FREE copy of Portal 1. Portal 2 on Steam
Now remember for Mortal Kombat there are 3 different ways to buy it.
1. Standard just the game
2. Kollector's Edition: Game with :
- Kollectible figurines of Scorpion and Subzero that double up as video game bookends for your favorite Mortal Kombat games
- Hand sculpted with high level of detail
- Decorated using an artful combination of spray mask, tampo print, free spray and hand washes
- The "Art of Mortal Kombat"
- A 110+ page book featuring original concept sketches and game art from the 2011 version of Mortal Kombat
- Retro-Ninja costume
- Exclusive alternate in-game costume inspired by the original character designs
- Mortal Kombat inspired costumes to decorate your avatar on PSN
- Customize your Xbox LIVE avatar with Mortal Kombat costumes and challenge your friends in our new King of the Hill online mode
3. Tournament Edition: Game, with:
- Mortal Kombat Fight Stick
- High quality, authentic Suzo Happ arcade parts for the ultimate in performance
- Designed exclusively by NetherRealm Studios
- Inspired by the wooden arcade cabinets from the golden age of gaming
- Features the classic Mortal Kombat ergonomic button layout to best optimize game play
- Memory foam underside for comfortable lap use
- Flip open lid for easy arcade part customization access and storage
- Retro-Ninja costume Exclusive alternate in-game costume inspired by the classic Mortal Kombat character designs
- Customize your Xbox LIVE avatar with Mortal Kombat costumes and challenge your friends in our new King of the Hill online mod
Mortal Kombat Pre-Order Bonuses:
- GameStop: Pre-order Mortal Kombat at Gamestop and get exclusive access to the Klassic Scorpion Playable Character Skin and the original Scorpion Fatality. GameStop Mortal Kombat
- Pre-order Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat Special Edition or Mortal Kombat Tournament Edition and receive an exclusive PSN or Xbox live code to get instant access to Klassic Reptile Playable Character Skin and the original Reptile Fatality.
Both of these look to like they are going to be great games! I suggest that if you can, you pre-order them at your favorite retailer.
Good Luck, and Good Hunting!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Grape 64
Since I started work on a homemade arcade cab, I've been following Homebrew systems and mods for a while. A couple months ago, I came across an Instructable for a portable N64. Dubbed the "Grape 64" this is an amazing work of art and ingenuity. Check out the creator's site here:
At the bottom of the home page, you'll also find a link to an Xbox 360 Iron Man case mod that's just jaw-dropping in the amount of professional craftsmanship put into it.
I know it'll be a work in progress for a few years, but I can only hope my arcade cabinet has a similar degree of polish.
At the bottom of the home page, you'll also find a link to an Xbox 360 Iron Man case mod that's just jaw-dropping in the amount of professional craftsmanship put into it.
I know it'll be a work in progress for a few years, but I can only hope my arcade cabinet has a similar degree of polish.
Wired Gamers News!
Hey guys I just wanted to let you know that we have started our official Facebook page. Please like us on there, and invite any and all of your friends who might be interested in what we have to offer.
Oh and here is the link: Wired Gamers Facebook Page
Spread the word everyone!
Oh and here is the link: Wired Gamers Facebook Page
Spread the word everyone!
Friday, April 15, 2011
April 18th, 2011 - The Day we go a Thrashing!
As many of you may already know, the much anticipated Gears of War 3 Beta is being released next Monday. "What is Gears of War 3," you may ask? I wont criticize, because you have probably recently been neuralized ala Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith style. Whoever gave Treyarch this technology is beyond me, but apparently it is helping to keep the number of people on Epic's servers down.
All jokes aside, there are some things you must know about the beta before you decide to wait it out until the full release, come September 20th:
1) If you haven't already, you must have purchased Bulletstorm: Epic Edition, or preordered Gears of War 3 to receive access to the beta. If you haven't already, or are tight on cash, recently, a lot of giveaways have been happening online on sites such as Twitter.
2) The beta is open from April 25th until May 15th.
3) There are a few incentives to having a copy your Bulletstorm: Epic Edition as an outlet for playing Gears of War 3. One, the beta is available one week earlier, starting April 18th. And two, there is one more unlockable available during this week that normal people that have won a code, or received one during the preorders will not be able to receive. This brings me to point number...
4) Unlockables Galore! There are many many many unlockables available for the Gears of War 3 Beta, but many of these do not transfer over the the final version of the game. There are however quite a few available that do transfer over to your Gears of War 3 profile. This way you can brag to other players, assuring them that you are better than they are simply because you have more bad-ass items. I for one hated the people in Gears of War 2 that bragged about their Golden Hammerburst or Golden Lancer even though I had one myself. There are also still those gamers that look up to you as if you are God simply because you have these weapons. We have all seen it, but it says absolutely nothing of your skill as they were simple cosmetic Collectors Edition and preorder incentives.
Now that I can successfully take a step down from my soap-box, here is a list of the Beta unlockables (via The Gears of War 3 - Official Forums)

Until then, rev up those chainsaws, tighten up your thrashball laces, and be ready to see me and the thousands of others online at 2am, April 18th, when this thing drops to the public!
All jokes aside, there are some things you must know about the beta before you decide to wait it out until the full release, come September 20th:
1) If you haven't already, you must have purchased Bulletstorm: Epic Edition, or preordered Gears of War 3 to receive access to the beta. If you haven't already, or are tight on cash, recently, a lot of giveaways have been happening online on sites such as Twitter.
2) The beta is open from April 25th until May 15th.
3) There are a few incentives to having a copy your Bulletstorm: Epic Edition as an outlet for playing Gears of War 3. One, the beta is available one week earlier, starting April 18th. And two, there is one more unlockable available during this week that normal people that have won a code, or received one during the preorders will not be able to receive. This brings me to point number...
4) Unlockables Galore! There are many many many unlockables available for the Gears of War 3 Beta, but many of these do not transfer over the the final version of the game. There are however quite a few available that do transfer over to your Gears of War 3 profile. This way you can brag to other players, assuring them that you are better than they are simply because you have more bad-ass items. I for one hated the people in Gears of War 2 that bragged about their Golden Hammerburst or Golden Lancer even though I had one myself. There are also still those gamers that look up to you as if you are God simply because you have these weapons. We have all seen it, but it says absolutely nothing of your skill as they were simple cosmetic Collectors Edition and preorder incentives.
Now that I can successfully take a step down from my soap-box, here is a list of the Beta unlockables (via The Gears of War 3 - Official Forums)
- Flaming HammerburstAs I mentioned before, each of these unlockables are purely cosmetic and do not exhibit anything more than the normal weapons of the Final Gears of War 3 build. They are just there to make you look awesome! I am most excited just to play the game... sure, the unlockables are there to give you more of an incentive...but hell, who wouldn't want to play 90+ matches to get one of those fancy "gold-plated stabby guns."
Complete one match by Sunday, April 24 to permanently unlock.
(This is exclusive to the Bulletstorm early beta access week)
- Flaming Lancer
Complete one match during the week of April 25 to permanently unlock.
- Flaming Sawed-Off Shotgun
Complete one match during the week of May 2 to permanently unlock.
- Flaming Gnasher Shotgun
Complete one match during the week of May 9 to permanently unlock.
- Beta Tester Medal
Complete one match in the Beta to permanently unlock.
- Thrashball Cole
Unlocked by Complete 50 matches in any game type to unlock for the Beta period.
To permanently unlock, complete 10 matches as Thrashball Cole during the Beta.
- Gold-Plated Retro Lancer
Complete 90 matches in any game type to unlock for the Beta period.
To permanently unlock, score 100 kills with the Gold-Plated Retro Lancer during the Beta.

Until then, rev up those chainsaws, tighten up your thrashball laces, and be ready to see me and the thousands of others online at 2am, April 18th, when this thing drops to the public!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
"What have I got in my pocket?"
Hello everyone. I would like to cordially welcome you to the new blog that you see beneath your nose here. Just like Spieg mentioned a couple of posts back, you can come here for your daily dose of entertainment, gaming, music, or general nerdom. We will try our darndest to keep you up to date with all goings-on in the wireless world in which we live.
I figured I would make this first post a good one and let you guys know of this spectacular movie that is coming out in a few years. It is now in pre-production... maybe you have heard of it?
I'll just leave this here.
I figured I would make this first post a good one and let you guys know of this spectacular movie that is coming out in a few years. It is now in pre-production... maybe you have heard of it?
I'll just leave this here.
New Planet of the Apes Movie
So apparently there is a new Planet of the Apes movie coming out this summer. And unlike the previous one that starred Marc Wahlberg, this one is a prequel that apparently shows how the apes came to become super intelligent, ruling the world, all that. The movie is called Rise of the Planet of the Apes. So do you want to see it now? Of course you do. So here you go:
So do you guys like it? Hate it? What?
So do you guys like it? Hate it? What?
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