As opposed the week in review posted last Saturday, let's get the week rolling with this Monday edition of Wired Gamer's Week in Preview!
This week seems to stand a little bland when it comes to releases. At least over here state-side; if you are lucky enough to live in Asia, you have a beautiful game being released by the name of El Shaddai. But more about that after the jump. If you would like to watch videos or purchase any of the aforementioned games, hit up the link-dump at the bottom of the post.
Today, we have a Nintendo DSiWare release by the name of Airport Mania: First Flight. From the looks of it, it was a flash-based game, turned iPhone/Android game, turned Wii game, and now has made its way on to the Nintendo DS via the little known DSiWare program. It can be purchased for a total of 200 DSi points... I do not deal with DSi points... and frankly, have never heard of them before... so yeah... moving on.
A better choice, if you have nothing else to do today, is play the Gears of War 3 Beta... it was just released this morning for those who have pre-ordered Gears of War 3, so if you haven't already, go download that beast and destroy some locusts!
Tuesday: The day for gaming releases. What do we have this week? Not a whole heck of a lot. The Wii is releasing Remington Super Slam Hunting: Alaska (apparently Nintendo still doesn't consider Alaska to be a part of North America, since only last November another port of this game was released with the exact same name, only with an addition of North America to the end).
Darkspore is releasing on the PC, which can only be explained with the top rated Youtube comment of the trailer: "looks like they took spore, diablo, starcraft, DotA and a pinch of Gauntlet then mixed them all up in one big mundane blender." As PC games go, it doesn't look half bad. It'll definitely be one that I check out in the future.
Two more notable games are releasing Tuesday on the Playstation Network: Outland and Zen Pinball: Sorcerer's Lair. Outland is a 2D-side-scroller and is also releasing on Wednesday for the Xbox LIVE Arcade. Zen Pinball: Sorcerer's Lair, is yet another pinball game released by Zen Studios... expect no changes. Also releasing Wednesday are two more additions to the Xbox LIVE Arcade, Nin2-Jump (a platformer about what seems to be a shadow puppet) and Trouble Witches Neo! (a shooter where you guide witches in blowing stuff to smithereens). I want to compare it to Zero Wing for the Sega Master System, but I just can't bring myself to do that.
And now to the game that a majority of us will probably end up not playing, but is notable nonetheless: El Shaddai. In this game you play as Enoch. Yes, Enoch from the Old Testament. That alone should pique your interests a bit. Another thing you will notice about the trailer, is the beautiful cell-shaded graphics reminiscent of Viewtiful Joe for the Gamecube. This is because the game is headed by the Masato Kimura and Sawaki Takeyasu, pioneers of the cell shaded art with their games: Devil May Cry, Viewtiful Joe, and Okami. Even if the gameplay turns out to be crap, at least you will have a beautiful sight to see while you are playing. Check out the E3 2010 trailer below.
Until next week, this has been "Wired Gamer's Week in Preview."
Link Dump
Airport Mania: First Flight
Remington Super Slam Hunting: Alaska Purchase at Amazon
Darkspore Purchase at Amazon
Zen Pinball: Sorcerer's Lair
Trouble Witches Neo!
El Shaddai Purchase at Play-Asia
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